United Way of West Central Connecticut's Adopt-A-Child Back To School Program for the 2024/2025 school year has begun! We collect backpacks, school supplies, and gift cards for over 400 students living in Bristol, Burlington, Plainville, and Plymouth.
Here are three ways you can help!
- ADOPT one or more students on the waiting list. To select a student, CLICK HERE to complete an online registration form. United Way volunteers will match you based on your preferences and provide you all the information you need.
- HOST a school supply donation drive. You can place it at a restaurant, coffee shop, bank, where you work or location people visit. Let United Way of West Central Connecticut know where you're collection drive is and we can help spread the word. CLICK HERE for a list of school supplies we are collecting.
- DONATE. United Way of West Central Connecticut accepts cash donations, large and small, to purchase backpacks and school supplies so you don't have to. CLICK HERE to make a donation.
If you have any questions about our program and how it works, contact Sarah at smitchell@uwwestcentralct.org.

Updated: 6/25/2024